Local Service Only

Ep.5 – Never Do Politics (Free For All)

Happy International Women's Day! Slam down your non-alcoholic vodka, strap on your sunglasses, and let's watch a bouncing ball of suffocation in a cave! ...Is that what the kids are into these days? Join us this episode to find out! Check out our artist Ion at their bluesky page (sorry, did not edit the episode in time for the crowdfund!). Jo | Helga | Podcast page Watching: The Prisoner (1967): "Free for All" Up next: The Prisoner (1967): "Many Happy Returns"

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Ep.4 – Father-In-Gay (Chimes of Big Ben)

Just in time for Secret Surveillance Santa, it's Local Service Only! We're back at it again with another bomb track before saying goodbye to 2024! In this episode, we discuss planes (aircraft), returning to caveman times, and cold war politics! Hooray! We'll "be seeing you" in 2025, in the meantime feel free to follow our socials: Jo | Helga | Local Service Only Bluesky Watching: The Prisoner (1967): "The Chimes of Big Ben" Up Next: The Prisoner (1967): "Free For All"

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Ep 3.5: Kill And Eat The Beatles (Head, 1968)

We're doing something different this episode! Breaking away from the Prisoner for just a little while and giving you Head(1968), a movie that was contemporaneous with the series and touches on the same themes of reinvention and rebellion, but couldn't have been more different in its presentation. Helga | Jo Watching: Head (1968) Up next: The Prisoner (1967): "The Chimes Of Big Ben"

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Ep.3 – Pavlov’s Puppygirl (Checkmate)

The wayward pod returns! or...we had recorded the ep back in December, but hit some delays. But it returns! Jo | Helga Watching: The Prisoner (1967): "Checkmate" Up next: The Prisoner (1967): "The Chimes Of Big Ben"

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Ep.2 – Coachella in a Town Hall (Dance of the Dead)

Espionage! Intrigue! Mystery! We look at the second episode of The Prisoner, featuring a lot of deep words that end up meaning "Women, am I right?". Do not ask Helga what time it was when she finished editing this podcast. Jo | Helga Watching: The Prisoner (1967): "Dance of the Dead" Up next: The Prisoner (1967): "Checkmate"

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Ep.1 – Sixty Nine Shipping Moments (Arrival)

We are kicking off the podcast with a bang! Come along with us and discover just how much 1960s spies sucked at spying, how every set in the era resembled Star Trek, and how many tangents about surrealism and counterculture we can fit in an hour-and-change of podcast. Jo | Helga Watching: The Prisoner (1967): "Arrival" Up next: The Prisoner (1967): "Dance of the Dead"

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