Pod of Greed

171: Don’t Duel December

Zuts alors! A zombie outbreak! I thought this show was about card games! Tune in for yet another set of GX nonsense! Golly, I sure hope we won't be stuck in this weird desert dimension for 7 more episodes! Watching: Episodes 122-123 (S3 E18-19) of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Argyle | Dan | Elliott | Sarah Edited by Max Twitter | Discord | YouTube Support the show on Patreon! A Noise Space Podcast

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170: Bastion’s Not Dead (2014)

The best laid predictions of mice and podcast hosts go oft astray listeners, and in this episode we have to face the terrible truth that Bastion Misawa might still be in Yugioh GX after all.... Luckilly, there is another set of footprints here to carry us through this desert - It's Cass @whatiscosplay! Puzzle stream announcement Watching: Episodes 120-121 (S3 E16-17) of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Argyle | Audrey | Dan Edited by Sawah uwu Twitter | Discord | YouTube Support the show on Patreon! A Noise Space Podcast

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169: Episode 69…2!

We reached our 169th episode and in honor of such a nice number, we're reading listener-submitted fanfics! Max gets adopted by Crowler! Kaiba gets into competitive swimming! Jaden experiences weird alternate universes! And Bakura's stuck in a desert with his tabletop NPCs! The fan fiction submitted for the episode (besides Audrey's) can be found here and feature stories by ShadowSandbag, Cassidy, and Franziska. Argyle | Audrey | Dan | Max | Sarah Edited by Dan Twitter | Discord | YouTube Support the show on Patreon! A Noise Space Podcast

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168: Zorc Sweatpants Challenge

Professor Viper I get the feeling you should take care of yourself better. I mean, get a look at that weird arm! You should really moisturize more my man. Also, this may be in poor taste, but you should probably have taught your kid about basic street safety. Wait where are you going, there's no way down fr- oh... Watching: Episodes 117-119 (S3 E13-15) of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Argyle | Audrey | Dan | Elliott | Max | Sarah Edited by Argyle Twitter | Discord | YouTube Support the show on Patreon! A Noise Space Podcast

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167: Top 7 Celebrity Impersonator Crystal Beasts

This week, our new friend Johan/Jesse duels a guy voiced by Sean Schemmel doing a Foghorn Leghorn voice, and yet this is by far the worst of Sean Schemmel's Crimes this week. Please 4kids. Let him rest. Give Goku a break. Watching: Episodes 115-116 (SX E11-12) of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Argyle | Audrey | Dan | Max Edited by Sarah Twitter | Discord | YouTube Support the show on Patreon! A Noise Space Podcast

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166: You. Bed. Now.

Say what you want about GX - while the show is rude enough to gaslight us about a professor who was supposedly at the school for the last two years, at least it's nice enough to yeet him off a cliff immediately after we meet him! Also, I tried to put the Mission Impossible theme into the episode but each time I tried downloading it there was an error with the file. Audio: Impossible. Also-also as mentioned in the episode: Here is the Google Drive link for your fanfic submissions for episode 169! Watching: Episodes 113-114 (S3 E9-10) of Yu-Gi-Oh!…

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165: Duel Milk Inflation (ft. Cereal ASMR)

How Much Milk Could a Duel Milker Milk if a Duellist Could Be Milked? and would you put that milk on the Milleni-Yum cereal? This week, we discuss Australian Dominic Toretto, declare an official war between Sub Crew and Dub Crew, watch Chazz Manjome google AMOUNG, and invite Al Roker officially onto the podcast. Watching: Episodes 110-112 (S3 E6-8) of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Argyle | Audrey | Dan | Max Edited by Sarah. Sorry for boosting the cereal noises so much. Twitter | Discord | YouTube Support the show on Patreon! A Noise Space Podcast

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Sixty-Nine…2! Fanfic Contest Announcement

We're coming up on episode 169!! We had such a good time with the first episode 69 that we wanna do it again, one hundred episodes later... GOOGLE DRIVE TO PUT YOUR FANFIC IN This drive will also be pinned somewhere in our discord server

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164: The Heart of Descartes

What do you say when the Pod of Greed hosts ask you to watch two very fun episodes of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX? Yes, daddy! Join the gang and special guest Chaz (from the show!) to discuss a very fiery duel! Sorry for all the talk about milking! Watching: Episodes 108 & 109 (S3 E4 & 5) of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Audrey | Max | Sarah | Special guest THE CHAZ Edited by Max Twitter | Discord | YouTube Support the show on Patreon! A Noise Space Podcast

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163: New Year, New Boyfriend

A new season for us, and a new year for our boys! And some new boys are in town, including the most Australian man in the world, Jaden's new boyfriend, and a totally normal and unsuspicious new professor! Duel spirits and flashbacks run rampant! Watching: Episodes 105-107 (S3 E1-3) of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Argyle | Dan | Sarah | Franziska Edited by Dan Twitter | Discord | YouTube Support the show on Patreon! A Noise Space Podcast

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