4: Tristan: The Janitor Who Loves To Fuck

4: Tristan: The Janitor Who Loves To Fuck
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Hosts: Dan, Max, Sarah
Premiered: June 26, 2018

Have you been cleaning and feeding your Digital Pet? It’s like your child! Your small Egg Friend? Your tiny companion who is definitely not into pet play…? Have you been projecting your sexual fantasies onto a toy again…. oh dear…

And speaking of sexual fantasies, Kaiba is back! Staring wistfully into the sunset dreaming about Yugi! Not only is Kaiba relatable here but he’s also the King*of*Drama as we meet his English friend with the doll fetish.

Lotta fetish related content in these episodes, it’s not even a Bit, it’s just like that

Watching: Episodes 7 & 8 of Yu-Gi-Oh(1998) commonly known as Season 0 – The Underhanded Digital Pet Rebellion & The Four Game Masters Finally Stir.

With: Dan(@mike_daws0n), Max(@maxibajillion), & Sarah(@sarahmccostumes)

Fun facts about the Tannoy