Episode 2 – Nitrate Kisses

Episode 2 – Nitrate Kisses
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Hosts: Isabelle, Juan
Premiered: November 27, 2020

We’re already here, the point where we whine about tenderqueers for 30 minutes. In today’s episode of For A Good Time…, Isabelle (she/her) and Juan (they/them) tackle Barbara Hammer’s experimental documentary Nitrate Kisses, a film about history and remembrance that gives us time to reflect on why those things are important to homos like us. We discuss the queer gaze, the ways we discover ourselves through seeing others, and how many modern queer communities seem eager to forget the past. A heavier episode, but one we’re proud of.

Buy a DVD of Nitrate Kisses here: http://barbarahammer.com/films/nitrate-kisses/


The podcast can be followed @foragoodtimepod and you can send any questions or comments to [email protected].

Isabelle can be found at @spacejamfan (her sfw main twitter) and @enionsgirldick (her nsfw personal twitter). Her writing can be found at dimthehouselights.com.

Juan can be found at @woahitsjuanito. Information about their film series is at flamingclassics.com, and their writing can be found at dimthehouselights.com, Miami New Times, Hyperallergic, and more.