Digimon Ghost Gayest pt 06 – Middle-Aged Teen

Digimon Ghost Gayest pt 06 – Middle-Aged Teen
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Hosts: Emory, Morg, Quatre
Premiered: March 16, 2023

We watched Digimon Adventure Tri, Reunion part 4, Determination Part 1, and Loss Part 2.

Taichi and Yamato are at it again with the lingering physical contact and constant air of hostile tension. Meanwhile, Gabumon loses all his memories and gets to experience his first crush all over again.

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Find the hosts elsewhere:

Elvier – Twitter | TikTok

Morg – Twitter | Cohost | Sonic Shuffle | Fwd:Fwd:Re:Zero

Emory – FurAffinity | Gon x Will x Hunting and We Rate Queerbait

A Noise Space podcast