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220: Peter Marker

Kids these days would rather summon Earthbound Gods instead of worshipping God on Earth before their souls are Bound for hell. Watching: Episodes 45 & 56 of Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Dan | Max | Sarah Edited by Max Twitter | cohost | Discord | YouTube Support the show on Patreon! A Noise Space Podcast

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#107 – Diet Coke & Lilith

Diet Coke & Lilith review Diet Coke & Lilith in a very special episode. Intro voiceover by Jarett Raymond Music & Sounds used during the intro & Outro: Hall of the Mountain King by Kevin MacLeod ( Thunder by lennyboy ( Door, Front, Opening, A - InspectorJ ( Noise - Juandamb ( Walking through Mud - Breviceps Strong wind inside house _ Viento fuerte interior casa - SonoRec ( Tape Start - unfa ( video_recorder_load_cassette_02 - Magedu ( creaky door - m_marek ( Door, Front, Closing, A - InspectorJ ( Door closing, door closed - steinhyrningur ( Door_Heavy_Reverb_Open_Close - LamaMakesMusic…

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S4E3 – Jiminy’s Journal’s Avatar Data-Riku Says This Game Makes Sense (Re:coded Part 3)

On this week's installment of Re:coded, we're finding out whether it's really safe inside Riku as Sora enters the datascape within the datascape to debug his friend! This means a montage of backtracking, a lot of apologies, and a lot of apologies about apologies. Afterwards, the team will be getting to the bottom of the mystery of the journal. Well, one of them, anyway! Turns out there's a lot going on in this game, including a massive lore teaser from Maleficent who has no idea that she has no idea what's going on. Sam | Drew | Twitter | Cohost

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S2E4 – Straight Rights ONCE

Yaoi time is officially over and we're allowing straight people their moment in the sun! Join Sara and Kay as they discuss Jujutsu Kaisen season 2 episodes 6 and 7, and decide the ultimate babiest boy, the most cancelled ship, and if fish have holes, in a sexual sense. Go Men! SPOILER WARNING TIMESTAMPS: 57:18- 1:06:15 Intro and Outro Music: Lost in the Bugsnax by Noa Geist (, Cover Art:

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S6E5: Nightmare Zoom Call

This week the plot continues to move! Bumblebee gets some motivational flashbacks from the annoying orb he rescued last week, Slipstream roots through Windblade's memories and gets berated by her bosses over Zoom in two very different ways, and the gang black out an entire city to restart Grimlock's heart. We also get to hear some of Cyberverse's....interesting ideas about dinosaurs. Noise Space | Discord

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S1E38 – Society If Brains Were Dry

We've got a great episode for you this week! 😀 It's series 10 episode 2, "Smile"! 😀 This is such a fantastic episode, and we truly loved every second of it! 😀 It's got everything you could want: thrills, chills, kills, and some political themes that are as well-executed as the colonists on [checks Tardis Wiki] Gliese 581d! 😀 Magic haddock! Haha! 😀 Please don't hurt us! 😀 Sam | Jordan Cohost | Tumblr | Twitter | Patreon | Discord | YouTube

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Ep.16 – I’m Calling Me Out

Elvier, Spike, and Morg discuss habits, patterns, and preferences in their OCs. Wow it sure would be silly if any of this reflected aspects of ourselves good thing it doesn't!!! Our artwork features portraits by all 4 hosts, as well as Dani Diaz, Velvet Lily, Malus Draco, and Lauri Saunders Discord | Tumblr | Cohost Find the hosts elsewhere: Spike - Discord only Elvier - TikTok | Tumblr | Instagram Morg - Twitter | Cohost | Sonic Shuffle Emory - FurAffinity | Gon x Will x Hunting and We Rate Queerbait A Noise Space podcast

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S7E2 – Flog Loom

Supaidaman is back on the scene, ready to kick some ass! But only the asses of specific people who he finds worthy of the effort. This week Giga and Val talk Season 1 Episodes 3 and 4, featuring a truly bug-eyed monster and merman premonitions. Val | Gigalithic Twitter | Cohost

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#106 – Monterey Jackin’ Daxter

Diet Coke and Lilith sample some Nestle Toll House Cookies, with a gooey surprise ;) Intro voiceover by Jarett Raymond Music & Sounds used during the intro & Outro: Hall of the Mountain King by Kevin MacLeod ( Thunder by lennyboy ( Door, Front, Opening, A - InspectorJ ( Noise - Juandamb ( Walking through Mud - Breviceps Strong wind inside house _ Viento fuerte interior casa - SonoRec ( Tape Start - unfa ( video_recorder_load_cassette_02 - Magedu ( creaky door - m_marek ( Door, Front, Closing, A - InspectorJ ( Door closing, door closed - steinhyrningur ( Door_Heavy_Reverb_Open_Close -…

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S6E4: Shockwave’s Amogus Lobby

As Windblade and Bumblebee get closer to locating the lost Ark, the Decepticons are closing in. In remembering an old bar, the duo get a cryptic clue from the past which hews shockingly close to their current situation. Shockwave launches a dastardly plan to gaslight Bumblebee into thinking that HE was imposter all along while Windblade and Slipstream have more encounters. Finally an annoying orb arrives to guide our heroes towards the end of their journey. Well, guide Bumblebee anyway. Windblade isn't a crew member so she can basically fuck off. Anyway I saw Bee venting in electrical, extremely sus.…

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