Sounds About Light

S5E5 – Capital-D Darkness (Union χ Part 1)

The true KHUX begins here! After last week's tragedy, we could all use a bit of levity in our lives, so actually there wasn't a tragedy last week. Problem solved! This week, we'll be meeting some new friends, not meeting some new friends, and meeting some not new friends. Classic Kingdom Hearts stuff, in other words. This episode introduces a lot of questions and mysteries, but you'll have to wait patiently for answers, because after this we'll be taking a few weeks off, then following release order with the very short A Fragmentary Passage, and the much longer Kingdom Hearts…

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S5E4 – Aced’s House of Bricks (Unchained χ Part 4)

Thinking about the Power Bangles too much made us both sick for a few weeks, which is a shame because now we're back to talk about the end of Unchained χ and apparently the Power Bangles are more important than ever! What is this game?! To make matters worse, the end of the world is happening. Oh, come on! Well, that's it for KHUX. We'll be back next time to start the sequel, KHUX! Sam | Drew | Twitter | Cohost

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S5E3 – The Dark Anniversary (Unchained χ Part 3)

As we enter the second half of the first half of KHUX, we meet a new friend, Skuld, who is bringing back belts in a big way! We'll need her emotional support, because things are not great in Daybreak Town. The Foretellers are fighting, Chirithies are turning purple, and we're finding more and more that Kingdom Hearts is not afraid to kill kids as long as they're offscreen and we don't know them. We've got a new piece of light jewelry, but will it be plot-important enough to undo the darkness done by the power bangle, or was Chirithy just…

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S5E2 – Hi, Chirithy. Hi, Chirithy. (Unchained χ Part 2)

This week in Daybreak Town, our boy Dennis is feeling lonely. It turns out it's hard to make a lot of friends when you're not allowed(?) to talk to 80% of the people around you! Fortunately, he meets a nice(?) boy named Ephemer who breaks the rules(?) and they become fast friends. Is everything as it seems? Or is everything not as it seems? Also, make sure you pay attention we've got some plot-critical bangle shenanigans this week. Sam | Drew | Twitter | Cohost

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S5E1 – A Game About Dennis (Unchained χ Part 1)

The chronological Kingdom Hearts begins here! We're going back in time to the Age of Fairy Tales in Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ plus Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover! What does that mean? Short answer: mobile games. We're meeting a whole new cast of characters, including the guy from our podcast art, a bunch of animal-masked dweebs, and Dennis. There will be intrigue, there will be keyblades, and there will be minimal Disney worlds! Huge shoutout to damo279 for his KHUX cutscene compilations, which enabled the proliferation of worms in Sam's brain that led to this podcast's existence. Please check out…

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S4E10 – Just Xehanort Things (Dream Drop Distance Part 6)

In the finale of Dream Drop Distance, we finally get to see an old guy wiggle his fingers again, and the game is good. Also I guess some stuff happens with Riku and Sora and character arcs or whatever. Look at his fingers go! Yahoo! After that, we're discussing our general thoughts on this weird, messy game and why it's good, then we learn about Minions. Next time, we'll be starting Kingdom Hearts χ, Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ, Kingdom Hearts Union χ, and Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover! It'll make sense, I promise! Sam | Drew | Twitter | Cohost

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S4E9 – Thank the Dream Dropper (Dream Drop Distance Part 5)

This episode is... nuts! We're approaching the end of Dream Drop Distance, and the mysterious villains who have been popping up throughout the game to be vague at Sora and Riku are finally going to start being specific at them instead. Sam's been working out at the Ultimania to prepare for this one, so let's put our brains together and drop into the Xehanort Experience Record! Sam | Drew | Twitter | Cohost

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S4E8 – d’Arktagnan (Dream Drop Distance Part 4)

Merlin sent us away to a pocket dimension for two months to work on our Donald Duck voices, and we're back to talk about the last two Disney worlds of Dream Drop Distance: Country of the Musketeers and Symphony of Sorcery! Two unusual choices for Kingdom Hearts, and therefore two very good ones! Let's all put our heads together and see if we can continue to understand this game as it starts throwing alternate realities (maybe) and time travel (definitely) at us. Sam | Drew | Twitter | Cohost

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S4E7 – I’m Being a Prankster, and I’m in Paradise (Dream Drop Distance Part 3)

This week, we're getting an exciting new perspective on Pinocchio and a fairly underwhelming familiar one! I never thought I'd be disappointed to leave Monstro so quickly, but here we are! We're also entering the Spellican Arc of Dream Drop Distance with a return to TWEWY Twaverse Twown, and a B-plot about Minnie Mouse being held hostage. All in all, a pretty good week of Kingdom Hearts! We'll be taking a break for a little while but we should be back in December! As the king of the universe always says: "see ya real soon!" Sam | Drew | Twitter…

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S4E6 – Spontaneous Waifu Generation (Dream Drop Distance Part 2)

Alright, let's get these out of the way! We're visiting the first proper Disney worlds of Dream Drop Distance: France and Computer! They're not good, but that doesn't mean we won't talk about them for two hours! If anyone without a 3DS was worried that they're missing out on some great Kingdom Hearts worlds, well, you're probably fine when it comes to these two. Also: we finally get to the bottom of Tron's stupid new name! Sam | Drew | Twitter | Cohost

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