EPISODE 36: These Children Do Not Watch David Letterman

EPISODE 36: These Children Do Not Watch David Letterman
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Hosts: Blair, Sara SunhatZhenya, Satah
Premiered: August 17, 2018
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After an epidemic of laptop foibles, we’re back to discuss book twenty-one, The Threat. Some of us are certainly having our patience threatened by a certain newcomer to the series. Who has opinions about birds? Who has opinions about what instruments the children would play? WHO is the DAVID of this PODCAST???

In addition to a detailed list of seagull grievances, we discuss: This Podcast Is Just Hereditary, Wawa Taxes, Chuck & Stevenen: Gamer Boyz, You Can’t Press Charges Against A Bird, A Sad Version of The Onceler, You Know When You Kick So Hard You Explode