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S2E5 – They Put His Ass in the Contraption

Sara and Kay discuss Jujutsu Kaisen season 2 episodes 8 and 9, in which a beautiful princess meets with a terrible fate, twice in one week somehow. Hey cheer up, funny bug man got hit in the boingloings okay? SPOILER WARNING (SERIOUSLY FOR REAL) TIMESTAMPS: 57:43-1:05:41 Intro and Outro Music: Lost in the Bugsnax by Noa Geist (, Cover Art:

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S6E7: Least Valuable Seeker

We finished our sprint through Cyberverse's first season, and we have a lot of thoughts about it. Mostly our thoughts are that Bumblebee is kind of annoying, Shadowstriker is cool as fuck, and this show is chronically incorrect about Dinosaurs. We also construct the setting for our dream show, give out our end of season awards, and Nero announces their pick for our next season. Noise Space | Discord

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221: Me? Torunka.

Here, here, here we go So they're finally here, performing for you If you know the words, you can join in too Put your hands together, if you want to clap As we take you through this monkey rap! Huh! DK! Donkey Kong! He's the leader of the bunch, you know him well He's finally back to kick some tail His Coconut Gun can fire in spurts If he shoots ya, it's gonna hurt! He's bigger, faster, and stronger too He's the first member of the D.K. crew! Huh! DK! Donkey Kong! DK! Donkey Kong is here! Watching: Episodes 47-48 of Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's…

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E40 – Epic Ricky

After an agonizing wait of four weeks, we're finally going to learn about the backstory of the series 2 finale! We're heading to Pete's World for series 2 episode 6, "The Age of Steel"! Where did all of those Cybermen come from, anyway? Were any of them Parallel Jackie? We weren't asking these questions, but we'll get the answers. More importantly, we'll find out why Mickey was cool! Sam | Jordan Cohost | Tumblr | Twitter | Patreon | Discord | YouTube

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Ep.112 – Lesbian Date Zone (Sonic X)

2 months ago, Dan, Morg, and Devon talked about some episodes of Sonic X! Things are ramping up to the season finale, but that doesn't mean there's time for an episode about a chao garden where nothing happens! It's fine though because the episode after that one has Rouge and Topaz on a date. Also did you know there was a three minute test pilot? It isn't much! THIS WEEK: Sonic X Season 1 Episodes 22 and 23 (And the three minute test pilot) NEXT WEEK: Sonic the Comic Issues 46 and 47 Dan | Morg | Devon Twitter |…

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Ep.17 – Thembo with Shoulders (ft. Dani)

Emory and Morg are joined by guest Dani, to discuss their OC, José "Tanktop" Matpacos! They don't have any social media to plug, but they'd like to shout out the artist Ttaxyy! We talk about thembo energy, becoming trans, animal mecha, and elongated dogs. Our artwork features portraits by all 4 hosts, as well as Dani Diaz, Velvet Lily, Malus Draco, and Lauri Saunders Discord | Tumblr | Cohost Find the hosts elsewhere: Spike - Discord only Elvier - TikTok | Tumblr | Instagram Morg - Twitter | Cohost | Sonic Shuffle Emory - FurAffinity | Gon x Will x…

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#108 – We Pledge Allegiance To Greenonia

Diet Coke & Lilith enjoy Sabritas Fiesta Mix Intro voiceover by Jarett Raymond Music & Sounds used during the intro & Outro: Hall of the Mountain King by Kevin MacLeod ( Thunder by lennyboy ( Door, Front, Opening, A - InspectorJ ( Noise - Juandamb ( Walking through Mud - Breviceps Strong wind inside house _ Viento fuerte interior casa - SonoRec ( Tape Start - unfa ( video_recorder_load_cassette_02 - Magedu ( creaky door - m_marek ( Door, Front, Closing, A - InspectorJ ( Door closing, door closed - steinhyrningur ( Door_Heavy_Reverb_Open_Close - LamaMakesMusic ( video_recorder_eject_cassette - magedu ( Music…

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S4E4 – The Sora Bullying Tour (Re:coded Part 4)

Re:coded is ending strong(?) with a trip to Data-Castle Oblivion, where we'll be seeing, and Sora will be forgetting, a whole lot of familiar faces! Will a new Black Coat Guy successfully goad him into beating up the data illusions of his friends for no reason, or will Sora obviously not do that? That would be a pretty weird note to end on, so the game helpfully throws twenty straight minutes of "next time on Kingdom Hearts" at us! Next time: Dream Drop Distance! Sam | Drew | Twitter | Cohost

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S6E6: Seeker Math

`You know they say that all bots are created equal, but you look at me Grimlock and you look at Shockwave and you can see that statement is not true. See, normally if you go one on one with another Cybertronian, you got a 50/50 chance of winning. But I'm a genetic freak and I'm not normal! So you got a 25%, AT BEST, at beat me. Then you add The Seekers to the mix, your chances of winning drastic go down. See the battle at the Ark, you got a 33 1/3 chance of winning, but I, I got…

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E39 – The Experience of Being Killed Is Not Fun. But,

Two episodes in a row of Twelfth Doctor and Bill! In series 10 episode 8, "The Lie of the Land", we're getting some big answers, and for once on this podcast it's actually happening when we know what the questions are. Will the Doctor get his sight back after Oxygen? What's in that big scary vault? What's the worst thing the Doctor has done to a companion (so far)? Also, this episode features a special guest: a Monk, silently watching and smiling at our jokes! Same as every other episode! Sam | Jordan Cohost | Tumblr | Twitter | Patreon…

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