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#141 – Five Unexplained Watermelons

Diet Coke & Lilith dip their toes in with Trader Joe's and some Scandanavian Sour Swimmers. Intro voiceover by Jarett Raymond Music & Sounds used during the intro & Outro: Hall of the Mountain King by Kevin MacLeod ( Thunder by lennyboy ( Door, Front, Opening, A - InspectorJ ( Noise - Juandamb ( Walking through Mud - Breviceps Strong wind inside house _ Viento fuerte interior casa - SonoRec ( Tape Start - unfa ( video_recorder_load_cassette_02 - Magedu ( creaky door - m_marek ( Door, Front, Closing, A - InspectorJ ( Door closing, door closed - steinhyrningur ( Door_Heavy_Reverb_Open_Close…

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S9E7: Jockwave

You know, perhaps your esteemed hosts were a bit too hard on Kicker; his father is a scientist with seemingly no moral limits who gleefully endangered his child to get some shiny rocks, his surrogate robot father is a cold and callous commander willing to let one of his soldiers fly into the heart of enemy territory with no backup, his partner is kind of a credulous dumbass who always manages to get himself into situations, and his girlfriend is mean to him. I'd be kinda testy too if I was him. Oh also these episodes have a lot of…

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Ep.50 – Reaper’s Olympics: Sekiha Love Love Big Frying Pan (ft. Dan and Patrick)

Emory is joined by Dan and Patrick to talk about their Reaper's Olympics characters, Asriel and Roger Rabbit! Our artwork features portraits by all 4 hosts, as well as Dani Diaz, Velvet Lily, Malus Draco, and Lauri Saunders Discord | Tumblr | Cohost Find the hosts elsewhere: Isidora - Discord only Quatre - TikTok | Tumblr | Instagram Morg - Twitter | Cohost | Sonic Shuffle Emory - FurAffinity | Gon x Will x Hunting and We Rate Queerbait | The Disappearances of Lydia Fountayne A Noise Space podcast

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246: Bonds Beyond Time Commentary

Oops! We fucked up real bad! We lost part of the audio of our episode discussing Bonds Beyond Time, so we decided to put the commentary track in the main feed for free as some small consolation! We didn't like this very much so you aren't missing out on that much, but if you weren't able to watch the movie along with us, now's your chance! Watching: Yu-Gi-Oh! Bonds Beyond Time Argyle | Audrey | Dan | Elliott | Max | Sarah | Special Guest drcakey! Edited by Max Twitter | cohost | Discord | YouTube Support the show on…

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S6E8 – How About Thirty Crabs? (KH3 Part 7)

Yo ho, yo ho, the Pirates in KH3 This week, we went to the Caribbean We didn't like it, yo ho The cutscenes were boring and we were snoring Wake up, me hearties, yo ho Yo ho, yo ho, the Pirates in KH3 Luxord was there and he tried to parley For the Master's black box, yo ho Jack gave it away, Sora's notice delayed It was kind of funny, yo ho Yo ho, yo ho, the Pirates in KH3 And then it was time for the Davy Jones fight It was all pre-rendered, yo ho It was straight from…

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We aren't even halfway through this show and the wheels have already fallen off. Characters are getting shoved into new bodies left and right, we've completely left any meaningful setting behind in favor of space adventures, and the dub has gotten so bad its barely coherent and only vaguely follows the visuals that happen on screen. But theres good news! We still have over 30 episodes left! Wait that's not good news at all... Noise Space | Discord

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Ep.49 – OC Fusions

Izzy, Morg, and Emory make up some new guys by throwing a bunch of existing guys in the blender together. Our artwork features portraits by all 4 hosts, as well as Dani Diaz, Velvet Lily, Malus Draco, and Lauri Saunders Discord | Tumblr | Cohost Find the hosts elsewhere: Isidora - Discord only Quatre - TikTok | Tumblr | Instagram Morg - Twitter | Cohost | Sonic Shuffle Emory - FurAffinity | Gon x Will x Hunting and We Rate Queerbait | The Disappearances of Lydia Fountayne A Noise Space podcast

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E64 – Armor Darmin the Armored Dhar Mann

At long last, we're getting an answer to a question that goes all the way back to our second episode: "who is the eyepatch lady?" As it turns out, she's a woman with an eyepatch-looking thing! This is basically the only thing we learned from series 6 episode 7, "A Good Man Goes to War"! Other than that, it's mostly a lot of words spoken by the man who speaks the words of the writer who writes... for they say that when the speaking man speaks the words written by the writer who writes, the speaker becomes the speakest. Sam…

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S6E7 – You Can Only Do Ice? (KH3 Part 6)

Frozen is a movie about a girl with ice powers losing control and freezing her kingdom in the summer. This is why it's funny that we're talking about Arendelle in July! We did it on purpose! A lot of people say this is an all-time low for the series. It's not very good, but it still has its moments in between trips up and down the mountain. They fixed Elsa's hair, at least! Sam | Drew | Twitter | Cohost

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Ep.48 – When Your OC Turns You Queer

All four hosts convene once again to talk about gay shit. Our artwork features portraits by all 4 hosts, as well as Dani Diaz, Velvet Lily, Malus Draco, and Lauri Saunders Discord | Tumblr | Cohost Find the hosts elsewhere: Isidora - Discord only Quatre - TikTok | Tumblr | Instagram Morg - Twitter | Cohost | Sonic Shuffle Emory - FurAffinity | Gon x Will x Hunting and We Rate Queerbait | The Disappearances of Lydia Fountayne A Noise Space podcast

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