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EPISODE 238: Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum

Strap on your bidirectional GoPros, we're doing some UrbEx in Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum! Come on down to one of CNN's Top Seven Scariest Places In The World and join us as we talk about unexplained mythos, diagetic film construction, gaslighting your bros, and Some Severely Fucked Up Guys! RECOMMENDATIONS: Nichijou Patlabor: The Movie & Patlabor 2: The Movie

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#104 – We Pledge to You That We Will Die In a Sheetz

Diet Coke & Lilith discuss life plans and that mysterious chocolate bar Toblerone. Intro voiceover by Jarett Raymond Music & Sounds used during the intro & Outro: Hall of the Mountain King by Kevin MacLeod ( Thunder by lennyboy ( Door, Front, Opening, A - InspectorJ ( Noise - Juandamb ( Walking through Mud - Breviceps Strong wind inside house _ Viento fuerte interior casa - SonoRec ( Tape Start - unfa ( video_recorder_load_cassette_02 - Magedu ( creaky door - m_marek ( Door, Front, Closing, A - InspectorJ ( Door closing, door closed - steinhyrningur ( Door_Heavy_Reverb_Open_Close - LamaMakesMusic (…

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219: Joey Wheeler’s Cool Signer Arm

Tune into this hamburger-filled episode to hear our comprehensive theories on how Joey Wheeler is the 5th Signer (please visit, as well as hear Max (catholic) open up about the first time he ever saw boobs on TV. Watching: Episodes 42-44 (S1 E42-44) of Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Argyle Dan | Max Edited by Sarah Twitter | cohost | Discord | YouTube Support the show on Patreon! A Noise Space Podcast

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S4E1 – Lingering Whale (Re:coded Part 1)

Beep boop! Time for a weird game! We're watching Re:coded, AKA Kingdom Hearts Somehow Goes Even More Off the Rails! This is a game mainly about Jiminy Cricket reading poetry in his eDiary. Who's writing the poetry? Well, that's a great question, and Chip and Dale are going to help us find the answer by... uh... Look, I don't have time to explain it all here, okay? This is the game where they go into the Data World. We'll (try to) make sense of it on the podcast! Sam | Drew | Twitter | Cohost

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Ep.1 – Sixty Nine Shipping Moments (Arrival)

We are kicking off the podcast with a bang! Come along with us and discover just how much 1960s spies sucked at spying, how every set in the era resembled Star Trek, and how many tangents about surrealism and counterculture we can fit in an hour-and-change of podcast. Jo | Helga Watching: The Prisoner (1967): "Arrival" Up next: The Prisoner (1967): "Dance of the Dead"

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Ep.12 – Bad For Your Health (ft. Patrick)

Morg and Spike are joined by guest Patrick, talking about his OC, Algernon Hue. Can you guess what happens when an elder god lives in your lungs? What about when a resurrected emu releases toxic spores? Can you possibly imagine what it would be like if a guy never learned a lesson?? Well you don't have to, because Patrick's going to tell you all about it. Also, sorry for the fuzzy audio distortion on this one. I did my best to EQ it down while still keeping the track human-sounding. Our artwork features portraits by all 4 hosts, as well…

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S1E35 – The Most Important Wi-Fi Password in the Universe

Hey, what's going on here? Am I watching an episode of House of the Dragon? No, it's just series 7 episode 6, "The Bells of Saint John"! The Eleventh Doctor is doing some funny monk cosplay and then oops never mind no he isn't. We were all getting excited for a fun time travel story but then he had to go do tech support for Clara. What if people were getting trapped in the Wi-Fi? Would that really be so different from how we live today? Whoa... just kidding, that's not what this episode is about at all. It's literally…

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#103 – Everything Sucks

Diet Coke and Lilith take a dip on the chocolatey side with OREOS dark chocolate sandwich cookies. Intro voiceover by Jarett Raymond Music & Sounds used during the intro & Outro: Hall of the Mountain King by Kevin MacLeod ( Thunder by lennyboy ( Door, Front, Opening, A - InspectorJ ( Noise - Juandamb ( Walking through Mud - Breviceps Strong wind inside house _ Viento fuerte interior casa - SonoRec ( Tape Start - unfa ( video_recorder_load_cassette_02 - Magedu ( creaky door - m_marek ( Door, Front, Closing, A - InspectorJ ( Door closing, door closed - steinhyrningur (…

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218: Daddy Time

In a series where many characters have shitty and/or dead parents, 5Ds ask this question: what if you forgave your parents for being terrible? Please? It's the only way. They've never asked before... We also talk about Domino City's medical insurance industry, which ensures that duelists are given hospital rooms that are big enough to serve as dueling arenas. Watching: Episodes 40-41 (S1 E40-41) of Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Argyle | Audrey | Dan | Max Edited by Dan Twitter | cohost | Discord | YouTube Support the show on Patreon! A Noise Space Podcast

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S3E11 – Sora Porter Bridges (Birth by Sleep Part 11)

Okay, this time for real - we have finished Birth by Sleep! In our final installment, we're discussing the secret ending Blank Points and the playable secret episode A Fragmentary Passage (not to be confused with etc. etc.) We've got some Cool Terra to enjoy, some sad-hopeful Aqua, and basically no Ventus. There's even a special cameo from Roxas, Axel, and some girl we don't remember! Also we completely forgot to talk about the secret bosses. We'll do it next episode! Re:coded, here we come! Let's get weird! Sam | Drew | Twitter | Cohost

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