Well!!!!!!!! Here’s Hamsteak!
Alex and Lydia return triumphant for another Homestuck anniversary with an episode that was recorded in August. We’re still planning on finishing this thing within our human lifetimes, folks.
John goes in the hole, Rose goes grimdark, Terezi goes to the roof and the reader goes to the doctor’s house. That’s right, it’s pages 3658 to 3873 of Homestuck.
The absolute bangers mentioned are Black Rose, Green Sun and BL1ND JUST1C3 – 1NV3ST1G4T1ON !!
When will the next episode be?! Hopefully in less than one calendar year! Thank you again for your patience and hello to anyone who’s hopped on in the meantime!
Hamometer reading: 47.68%.
You can find us on twitter and tumblr
You can find alex on twitter and tumblr
You can find Lydia socially distancing and letting her dog out.
Homestuck, as always, is created by Andrew Hussie.
Intro music is “Showtime (Original Mix)”, by Malcolm Brown.
Outro music is “Showtime (Piano Refrain)”, also by Malcolm Brown, arranged & performed by Kevin Regamey.
Both are on the album Homestuck vol. 1-4