All Episodes

Ep.64 – Queries

Quatre, Emory, and Izzy have questions for each other. If you want to know things like what digimon partners our guys would have, this is the place for you. Also, we sleepy, so this is a shorter one. Our artwork features portraits by all 4 hosts, as well as Dani Diaz, Velvet Lily, Malus Draco, and Lauri Saunders Discord | Tumblr | Cohost Find the hosts elsewhere: Izzy - FurAffinity Quatre - TikTok | Tumblr | Instagram Morg - Twitter | Cohost | Sonic Shuffle Emory - FurAffinity | Gon x Will x Hunting and We Rate Queerbait | The…

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Ep.4 – Father-In-Gay (Chimes of Big Ben)

Just in time for Secret Surveillance Santa, it's Local Service Only! We're back at it again with another bomb track before saying goodbye to 2024! In this episode, we discuss planes (aircraft), returning to caveman times, and cold war politics! Hooray! We'll "be seeing you" in 2025, in the meantime feel free to follow our socials: Jo | Helga | Local Service Only Bluesky Watching: The Prisoner (1967): "The Chimes of Big Ben" Up Next: The Prisoner (1967): "Free For All"

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#150 – More Prophetic Visions and Farting Soda

Diet Coke & Lilith continue to peer into the future and drink a nasty probiotic mountain dew-esque drink. Intro voiceover by Jarett Raymond Music & Sounds used during the intro & Outro: Hall of the Mountain King by Kevin MacLeod ( Thunder by lennyboy ( Door, Front, Opening, A - InspectorJ ( Noise - Juandamb ( Walking through Mud - Breviceps Strong wind inside house _ Viento fuerte interior casa - SonoRec ( Tape Start - unfa ( video_recorder_load_cassette_02 - Magedu ( creaky door - m_marek ( Door, Front, Closing, A - InspectorJ ( Door closing, door closed - steinhyrningur…

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259: Cum is the Big One

It's time for the semifinals of the WRGP! Will team 5D's be able to defeat team Ragnarok? My wild prediction: yeah man. That's, uh, the show. My deepest apologies to the Norse pantheon but y'all don't have shit on my Peruvian dragons! Watching: Episodes 125-126 (S2 E49-50) of Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Audrey | Dan | Max Edited by Max Twitter | Bluesky | Discord | YouTube Support the show on Patreon! A Noise Space Podcast

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#149 – Apollo Slapped Our Shit Silly With The Gift of Prophesy

Diet Coke & Lilith dip into EXTREMELY CURRENT EVENTS, oops, and then also review Trader Joe's Tiny Fruity Cuties Intro voiceover by Jarett Raymond Music & Sounds used during the intro & Outro: Hall of the Mountain King by Kevin MacLeod ( Thunder by lennyboy ( Door, Front, Opening, A - InspectorJ ( Noise - Juandamb ( Walking through Mud - Breviceps Strong wind inside house _ Viento fuerte interior casa - SonoRec ( Tape Start - unfa ( video_recorder_load_cassette_02 - Magedu ( creaky door - m_marek ( Door, Front, Closing, A - InspectorJ ( Door closing, door closed -…

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258: Thumpslumping

Ok folks. Here's how team Taiyo can still win: They've got the giant got of Thump and Slumber - will they thump her or will they slump her! Tune in to find out how racist this actually quite cool card is! :) Watching: Episodes 120-122 of Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Audrey | Dan | Max | Edited by Sarah Twitter | cohost | Discord | YouTube Support the show on Patreon! A Noise Space Podcast

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Ep.63 – The Greatest Band in All of Time and Space

Quatre, Morg and Izzy put in some work this week. Guys from every world and time period are coming together to create the ultimate band. Here's a google doc full of spoilers for this one. Our artwork features portraits by all 4 hosts, as well as Dani Diaz, Velvet Lily, Malus Draco, and Lauri Saunders Discord | Tumblr | Cohost Find the hosts elsewhere: Izzy - FurAffinity Quatre - TikTok | Tumblr | Instagram Morg - Twitter | Cohost | Sonic Shuffle Emory - FurAffinity | Gon x Will x Hunting and We Rate Queerbait | The Disappearances of Lydia…

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#148 – A Taste of Steel

Diet Coke & Lilith eat some nasty fucking hot dog flavored chips. Sorry this one's late. Intro voiceover by Jarett Raymond Music & Sounds used during the intro & Outro: Hall of the Mountain King by Kevin MacLeod ( Thunder by lennyboy ( Door, Front, Opening, A - InspectorJ ( Noise - Juandamb ( Walking through Mud - Breviceps Strong wind inside house _ Viento fuerte interior casa - SonoRec ( Tape Start - unfa ( video_recorder_load_cassette_02 - Magedu ( creaky door - m_marek ( Door, Front, Closing, A - InspectorJ ( Door closing, door closed - steinhyrningur ( Door_Heavy_Reverb_Open_Close…

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257: Block Twoah! Duel on that thang

This episode took so long to upload because I had to construct a computer out of tin cans and coat hangers to edit it on Watching: Episodes 118-119 of Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Argyle | Dan | Max Edited by Argyle Twitter | cohost | Discord | YouTube Support the show on Patreon! A Noise Space Podcast

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