Zero to Zero


It took a little while, but we're finally at the part of Ghost Rider with Ghost Rider! Yes, Nicolas Cage's skin has flaked off to reveal a cool skull on fire. Will acclaimed director Mark Steven Johnson make the movie become epic when the action starts? We've got three element-themed bad guys to deal with, so I hope we get to see some classic earth stuff! If not, I'm sure we'll at least have a super normal chat about a guy made of water! Sam | Val | Gigalithic Twitter


S4E17 – A Floor-Length Duster

Yee-haw! It's finally time for the rootinest, tootinest superhero movie around: Ghost Rider! Nicolas Cage has finally graced our podcast with his whole deal, and it's either good or something, depending on who you ask! We may not all have the same jelly bean drinking glass of choice, but there's one thing we can all agree on: Mark Steven Johnson is the director ever. Pull up a horse and enjoy - but watch out for flaming hoops! Sam | Val | Gigalithic Twitter

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S4E16 – Mezzie the Mezzanine

What a treat 2011 has for us: it's another third act CGI monster fight! Thank you, Green Lantern! Fortunately, the movie also gives us a fight between two human actors (covered in CGI and throwing CGI at each other!) Will the Green Lantern Corps have anything to do? Sorry, there's no room in the movie for that. We've gotta get one of the worst motivational speeches in movie history from Blake Lively! Why didn't they end up making this into a franchise? Next week, October will truly begin as our podcast gets haunted by a particularly mobile ghost! Sam |…

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S4E15 – Like a Monkey at a Custody Hearing

Do you like LORE?! This is the part of Green Lantern where Hal Jordan gets the Green Lantern Corps' knowledge database put in his head to save time on lore dumps. Naturally, we then get a bunch of lore dumps! Meanwhile, Hector Hammond's head is all weird. He feels great! Sam | Val | Gigalithic Twitter

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S4E14 – Unhand Me, Devilish Ball!

At long last, we have arrived at the movie that was so disappointing, it delayed the official start of the DCEU: Green Lantern! Is it as bad as people say? Can it possibly be any worse than the actual start of the DCEU? Not really, but that's an extremely high low bar to clear! Keep us in your thoughts as we witness one of the least likeable protagonists we've dealt with so far. At least we've got some familiar faces (unrecognizable beneath the prosthetics and CGI) to keep us company! Sam | Val | Gigalithic Twitter

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S4E13 – The Chicken Nugget Murders

Thank god, it's our final viewing of Catwoman! Why was this movie so disgusting? In the third act, we're forced to contend with sloppy sushi slurping, smashing Sharing Stone, and a silly sexy sleuth. Still a better love story than Elektra! Next week, we'll be watching something that's been hanging over our heads for a long time now - hopefully we have the willpower to get through it! Sam | Val | Gigalithic Twitter

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S4E12 – Podcaster REACTS to How BIG TUNAS Are! (Gone WRONG)

Despite a whole bunch of computer internet problems, we're back to discuss Catwoman once again! This is the classic part of any superhero movie where our protagonist discovers their powers, robs a jewelry store, rips up a precious gift from their best friends, and eats seven cans of tuna. It's truly a film like any other! Lastly, Sharon Stone lives up to her name - a joke I just came up with right now and wish I had said on the podcast! Oh well! (Thanks to the above mentioned Various Problems, Val's sound quality gets bad partway through this episode.…

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S4E11 – Egypt… China

After one of our classic unintended breaks, we're back with Catwoman! Will this movie be as historically terrible as everyone says? As long as it's not as boring as Elektra, I think we'll have a good time either way! We've got Hooba, we've got questionable basketball, what more could you need? Sam | Val | Gigalithic Twitter

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S4E10 – Clown-to-Clown Communication

Against all odds, we survived Elektra! Truly one of the worst movies we've ever seen, in or out of this podcast. Why are all the supervillains so easy to kill? Why is Elektra so incompetent that they basically have to do it themselves? Why was Mark Miller in the movie? We will never have the real answers to these questions, but we'll do our best to try to come up with our own. Next week, we're breaking the glass in case of bad movie emergency. Meow! Sam | Val | Gigalithic Twitter

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S4E9 – Coldposting

Oh boy, we already didn't like Elektra but it's somehow gone downhill in the second act! The villains get worse and the movie gets more racist! We see three minor supervillains die in this part and Elektra didn't do any of it. Why is she even here? She's literally getting upstaged by a tree. Maybe next week she'll contribute something before the movie's over! Sam | Val | Gigalithic Twitter

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