Zero to Zero

S1E14 – The Defuser Clamps It Shut

Well, that's it! In the final episode of Who Wants to Be a Superhero?, we say hello to Balls, go to stunt school, say goodbye to Balls, and spend the remaining 35 minutes of the episode on the elimination. What an ending! But don't cry because it's over... cry because it's not over! Next week, we've got some comic books to read! Sam | Val | Gigalithic Twitter

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S1E13 – Nobody

The second episode of the first season was the dogs episode, so it's only fitting if the second to last episode of the final season is, uh, also the dogs episode. That's right! Two of them! Why? Well, there are only so many ideas! Sam | Val | Gigalithic Twitter

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S1E12 – Another Flexo Situation

Ah! Just when we think we've seen the worst this show has to offer, it gets worse! This week we meet our new precious Stan Lee. They call him "Evil Stan" but, you know, what else is new? This episode is truly rancid. Sorry! I'm sure next week will be better. Sam | Val | Gigalithic Twitter

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S1E11 – An Evil Little Ship

We've been hearing a lot of people say that this season is missing one thing: a Tunnel of Fear. Good news! This episode has one! It also has more of the season 1 "we asked your friends to tell us your secrets" shenanigans, but even less effective than last time. Great! It also has nothing else. Have fun! Sam | Val | Gigalithic Twitter

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S1E10 – Doing the Big Famous Kiss, With Erin Esurance

This is an episode about Erin Esurance. Erin Esurance is in this one. Erin Esurance appears multiple times throughout the episode. Erin Esurance takes her clothes off in this episode. We see it happen. Stan is no longer the host of the show. Long live Erin Esurance. Sam | Val | Gigalithic Twitter

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S1E9 – Mr. Mitzvah’s Dick Smasher

Oops! Uh oh! We thought season 3 was good but it turns out if you take a rotten brown apple and apply a lovely coat of beautiful expensive red paint, you still get sick when you take a bite. In fact, the paint would probably make it worse! This is a metaphor for how it feels to watch season 2 episode 3 of WWTBAS: it looks so much like a real show that it hurts all that much more when you see what unacceptable horrors Stan has in store for his poor helpless victims who just wanted to run around…

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S1E8 – Bee Attitude 🎷🐝

Okay, first of all, I want to apologize in advance for all the bee puns. I tried to stop it, but it just kept happening. I didn't try very hard, but I did try, so now you can't bee mad about it! Anyway, it's season 2 episode 2. It's the makeover episode! But wait, you say, wouldn't it be a waste to get rid of all these cool costumes? Yes! It would! Don't worry, Stan has a special trick up his sleeve to make the new costumes absolutely necessary. Sam | Val | Gigalithic Twitter

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S1E7 – Don’t Wear Glasses, Don’t Go to College

Welcome to season 2! We've got eight beautiful episodes produced with a budget of eight beautiful dollars, which in both cases is two more than last season. How will a 25% increase in resources help the show? Quite a bit, it turns out! It's actually pretty alright, despite three of our ten contestants being uhhhhhh. You'll see! Sam | Val | Gigalithic Twitter

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S1E6 – Feedback Busts It Open

Hey kids, stop watching Dog Vision Live, it's time for the season 1 finale of Who Wants to Be a Superhero! Don't worry about changing the channel, Stan will take care of that for you! In this surprisingly low-action, low-drama, low-stakes finale, we mostly just hang out at Stunts Camp and then go to a party at CityWalk. At least there's some very good 2006 CGI along the way! Sam | Val | Gigalithic Twitter

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S1E5 – Punch the Hidden Nazi

The superheroes are going back to school! We're joined by Alec, the Human Porch himself, to discuss episode 5 which is allegedly titled "The Rise and Fall of the Superhero Empire". How will the superheroes fare against a bunch of children? Probably very well! Also, the show finally figures out its stupid theme on episode 5 of 6! Well, better late than never! Sam | Val | Gigalithic | Alec Twitter

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