Zero to Zero

S2E7 – The Now Is You and You Are the Future and You Is Now and the Past Is Today and Now Are You the Is and You the Future

We did it, actually! This week we watched the Snyder Cut epilogue, "A Father Twice Over". A quick montage and Lex Luthor and Knightmare and Marthan Manhunter later, the movie is over at last. Did we like it? No, but that's fine. It's been seven weeks. Who cares anymore? The movie is over and we can finally move on with our lives. Just kidding! See you soon for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice! Sam | Val | Gigalithic Twitter

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S2E6 – Pwease No Hurt Steppy

We did it, almost! We finished the Snyder Cut, almost! This week we watched part 6, "Something Darker", the end of the movie, almost! We've only got like half an hour left! Hooray! Superman is alive again and looking at corn just like in the good old days. Will he stop enjoying corn in time to rescue the Justice League who still aren't called the Justice League? I guess it depends on how long Batman can go without crashing a car and plane! Take your sunglasses off, Bruce! You're making this way harder than it needs to be! Sam |…

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S2E5 – Bonk to You!

Can it be? A part of the Snyder Cut that we actually like? No, not really, but it turns out Part 5, "All the King's Horses", is the least worst part so far! What a nice treat for us, relatively speaking. The superheroes who are still not called the Justice League have dug up Superman's corpse and are going to bring him back to life! Is that a good idea? I don't know, because everyone kind of lost interest in discussing that. At least the Atlanteans and Amazons agree that it's not. If only any of them were here! (We…

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S2E4 – Multiverse’s Best Uncle

We've made it to part 4 of the Snyder Cut, "Change Machine", and Zack said we were processing the story too easily so he decided to make it a little harder. Turns out Steppenwolf didn't realize the planet where he's finding the Mother Boxes was the planet where the Mother Boxes are? What? And Cyborg and Aquaman had their character arcs offscreen. Good for them! Don't you hate understanding the characters in a movie? What a relief! Sam | Val | Gigalithic Twitter

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S2E3 – Mother Box That Makes You Say “Yes”

Ah! Okay, here we go! The true Snyder Cut begins now, with part 3, "Beloved Mother, Beloved Son". We've finally met all of our heroes, and that's great. Cyborg is God, and the Flash is quippy, and Batman is rich, and that's all great! The movie is good! There's slow-motion flying hot dogs, and underwater British accents, and what if your dad gave you all the nukes? All I can say to that is, "yes!" Thanks, Zach! Yahoo! Cinema is back, baby! Sam | Val | Gigalithic Twitter

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S2E2 – Accused of Summonos Darkseidos

I hope you like LORE!!! This week, we're watching part 2 of the Snyder Cut, "The Age of Heroes", and we've got tons of the stuff! Steppenwolf's backstory? Check! 5000 year old drawings of Darkseid? Check! Extraneous CGI battle over narration? Check, check, check! Explanation for why Steppenwolf lives in a cooling tower in an abandoned Russian nuclear power plant with a big alien slab in the center? Uh... we'll get back to that one later, maybe! He just likes it, I guess? It's toxic, and that's good! :-) Sam | Val | Gigalithic Twitter

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S2E1 – Snyder-Man: Into the Snyderverse

We're alive! Whip-Snap gave us the killing high-five but we've got more work to do. The Snyder Cut is out! Who could have seen this one coming? This week, we're watching part 1, "Don't Count on It, Batman". Is it good? Did it fix the problems? No, but it was nice of them to chop it into pieces of watchable lengths at least. We will now show Zack Snyder our appreciation for this in the traditional way: by singing him a song and sniffing his sweater. Sam | Val | Gigalithic Twitter

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S1E17 – Wow. There It Is.

We've read the comics and watched (a couple minutes of) the movies - nothing left to do now but wrap this thing up! In our probably final episode unless we ever somehow manage to get our hands on the UK season, we discuss the friends we made along the way and make a superhero tier list, kind of. The show was bad so we also spend some time discussing how we would've fixed it, using our knowledge and skills as professional TV show makers. Then we die! Thanks for listening! Sam | Val | Gigalithic Twitter

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S1E16 – Several Robots Are Typing…

It's done, again! We read the Defuser's well-deserved ha ha comic book ha ha, check out the comics we didn't get to read, and skim through his scenes from Lightning Strikes which were way more than Feedback got and we're not mad about it. This comic? It's also bad! Thank god! Sam | Val | Gigalithic Twitter

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S1E15 – Pithy and Shithy

We may have finished the show, but our dark work is not over! This week we sit down and do our best to read Feedback's comic book in a way that hopefully translates okay to an audio format. It's not very good! The comic book, I mean. Why is Feedback so sexist in this? Does he kill a bunch of people? Why does he bring an Atari joystick with him wherever he goes? Find out the answers to none of these questions and more! Sam | Val | Gigalithic Twitter

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