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EPISODE 233: Vampire’s Kiss

We're back in Cagetown this week as we sit down with Vampire's Kiss and experience some brand new emotions that Nic brings to the table with his scenery devouring. We also talk the pleasures of adult life, I Think You Should Leave, and a change to the Fearbaiting formula! RECOMMENDATIONS: SLC Punk! Black Monk Time by The Monks

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The Angry Birds Movie (2016)

This month's movie is The Angry Birds Movie! Dan went in sober, Maxie went in on an edible, and at the end of the day it kind of just turned out alright. Turns out the really big game with a cartoony aesthetic has a really big and dedicated animation department? Next Month: Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001) Twitter | Discord Dan | Maxie

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S5E10: Snakes And Screamers

This week we talk about the episode that solidified Beast Wars' connections to the wider universe of Generation 1, and also an episode where a bunch of guys go blind and almost get eaten by a snake. Starscream is back and screamier than ever, with a performance somehow more unhinged than Chris Latta's original G1 voice work. Also Blackarachnia and Dinobot are huge history nerds, Waspinator would have a massive kill count in a more just world, and the Predacons should consider hiring that really big snake. Noise Space | Discord

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S3E2 – Me Likey Little Mickey (Birth by Sleep Part 2)

These games haven't been about friendship enough, so this week we're entering the Ventus Loneliness Arc! He and his friends got in a single confusing fight, so now he has to rethink his entire life. Maybe he'll find some new friends in Radiant Garden or Olympus Coliseum? Definitely not in Disney Town. There's only one guy there who's looking for friends, and we can all agree he'd be better off dead. (For his own sake!) Sam | Drew | Twitter | Cohost

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Ep.3 – Isoverse: What If Everyone Sucked?

Spike guides Emory and Morg through the Fellowship setting they're GMing. There's an ancient race of technologically advanced transhumanist beings, and they're all trash. Our artwork features portraits by all 4 hosts, as well as Dani Diaz, Velvet Lily, Malus Draco, and Lauri Saunders Discord | Tumblr | Cohost Find the hosts elsewhere: Spike - Discord only Elvier - Twitter | TikTok | Tumblr Morg - Twitter | Cohost | Sonic Shuffle Emory - FurAffinity | Gon x Will x Hunting and We Rate Queerbait A Noise Space podcast

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S5E18 – A Little Nod

At long last, we have completed this ridiculous project of ours! The Bladetastic Era of Zero to Zero has come to an end, and nothing could be more appropriate than the trash ending Fant4stic gave us. The Fantastic Four finally team up for the first time in this movie, but will it be better than their single team attack in the 2005 movie? Well, it depends if you even count this one as a team attack! Ah, well. It's mostly just a shame that we never got to meet Doctor Doom! Since it's my last episode I'm going to drop…

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#93 – Heavyweight-A-Minute, This is a Snacks Podcast!?

Diet Coke and Lilith take in Heavyweights (1995) and Orville Redenbacher Kettle Corn with some Signature Select Diet Cola Soda. Intro voiceover by Jarett Raymond Music & Sounds used during the intro & Outro: Hall of the Mountain King by Kevin MacLeod ( Thunder by lennyboy ( Door, Front, Opening, A - InspectorJ ( Noise - Juandamb ( Walking through Mud - Breviceps Strong wind inside house _ Viento fuerte interior casa - SonoRec ( Tape Start - unfa ( video_recorder_load_cassette_02 - Magedu ( creaky door - m_marek ( Door, Front, Closing, A - InspectorJ ( Door closing, door closed…

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S1E29 – Freaked-Up White Man

This week, we're going back to school with series 8 episode 6, "The Caretaker"! The Twelfth Doctor is going deep undercover, which means he's wearing coveralls and holding a mop and telling everyone that he's an alien called the Doctor. Meanwhile, he and Clara's boyfriend Danny are fighting over her love! Sounds annoying, right? Wrong! We liked this episode! Also there was a robot in it at some point! (We're going to be off for a couple weeks, but we will return with an episode that made Jordan scream when the title came up, so look forward to that!) Sam…

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S5E9: *Web Shooting Noises*

This week is great if you like to hear professional voice actors make animal noises or weird grunts. This week is also pretty great if you're Tigatron...mostly. We watched 'Spider's Game', an episode all about Tarantulus and Blackarachnia doing treacherous spider shenanigans. They make a new guy, and Tarantulus becomes even more unpleasant somehow. Then in 'Call of the Wild' Megatron figures out how to make the Maximals go monke mode, and hunts them for sport, complete with elephant gun. Just another day in da Beast Wars baybee. Noise Space | Discord

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FEED DROP – Check Out This Guy

We made a new podcast! If you're listening to this right now, episode 2 is already out on the new feed, so go subscribe to that. Twitter | Discord | Tumblr Find the hosts elsewhere: Spike - Discord only Elvier - Twitter | TikTok | Tumblr Morg - Twitter | Cohost | Sonic Shuffle Emory - FurAffinity | Gon x Will x Hunting and We Rate Queerbait A Noise Space podcast

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